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Clinics and Collaborations

I have teamed up with a number of fantastic people and clinics and am delighted to share our work here. 



Fertility nutrition expert Julia young and I have teamed up to run our 8 week Taking Charge of Your Fertility course. Julia is a fantastic nutritionist who has been through IVF herself. Find her here. 


Find my article about PCOS and exercise on the Big Fertility Project website. 


Listen to me as a guest on the fantastic podcast Hopeful Hints by Tara Brandner a fertility coach based in the USA. 


Meet my lovely colleague Sarah and have a look at her superb Fertility Retreats website I am working with Sarah to provide fitness classes and advice to those struggling to conceive. 


Have a read of my article as a guest blogger with Ovusense, around how fitness can really support your fertility. 


I was delighted to be asked to be a guest speaker for Katy, a registered nurse and nutritionist at Katy Bradbury Health.


Find me on IVFbabble, supporting others in my role of fitness expert and listen to our podcast episode with Sara and Tracey, the fantastic founders of IVF Babble on Spotify and wherever else you listen to your podcasts.


Ciaran Hannington and I have also teamed up to bring you an awesome fertility focused couples 12 week training programme. Find more information about this here.


Fertility clinics are now recognising the importance of their patients being as fit and healthy as possible prior to treatment, plus the need for some patients to lower their BMI before treatment. For this reason I am delighted to work with X and Y Fertility in Leicester, a HFEA approved clinic since 2016, receiving 5/5 for their inspection rating. 


I also support patients at the Newlife Clinic in Surrey. They are a HFEA registered clinic and receive 5/5 for their inspection rating.  


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